Monday Lenten Talks @ St George’s

during Lent at 7:30pm preceded by

Refreshments at 7pm in the Church hall


1st Talk on Monday 26th of February:

Laudato Si: Care for our Family Home for All Generations

given by Paula Pearce who is a Secular Franciscan.

2nd Talk on Monday 4th of March:

Restoring, Protecting and Enhancing the Water Environments of Norfolk

by Dr Geof Brighty, Chair of Norfolk Rivers Trust

3rd Talk on Monday 11th of March:

Everything and Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

by Maria Thornberg, founder of the Charity ReDo

4th Talk on Monday 18th of March

Modern Slavery in East Anglia

by Simon John, Retired Solicitor. Simon is involved in a new initiative to tackle modern slaver in our diocese.