So then, as you received Jesus as Lord and Christ, now live your lives in him, be rooted in him and built up on him, held firm by the faith you have been taught, and overflowing with thanksgiving.
— Colossians 2: 6-7
Altar Servers
We have a great team of altar servers ranging from those who have just made their first holy communion and are aged 8 to those still serving in their 20s and even 30s. Some of our servers have long since become adults and moved away and yet will join us again on the altar when back visiting family or friends. The team come under the expert direction of our parish master of ceremonies.
All servers are enrolled after a year’s probation into the Guild of St Stephen and you will see servers wearing their Guild medals proudly, some even in silver indicating they have completed 10 years of uninterrupted service.
If you would like to join the altar servers, you need to have made your first holy communion and completed the initial training sessions led by the master of ceremonies. Speak to the parish priest for more information.
Children’s Liturgy
During term time at St George’s Church we run a Children’s Liturgy during the 10.30am Sunday Mass. This is open to young children from infant age to 8 and provides the young people with a way of listening and responding to the Scriptures at Mass in an age appropriate way. Children are invited to join the group at the start of Mass and spend the time together with our catechists in the parish hall. They rejoin the community again in time for the preparation fo the gifts.
If you would like your child to attend Children’s Liturgy, just send them out or take them out with the children carrying the Book and Cross at the start of Mass. You are welcome to drop in and see what happens if you are a little unsure to start.
If you think you can offer your time and skills to become one of our children’s catechists or assistants, then please speak to a member of the current team or to the parish priest. All adults involved with the group undergo a disclosure and barring service (DBS) check and we follow the diocesan safeguarding policies.
Music Group
Once a month and for some special occasions (such as the annual First Holy Communion Mass, the Christmas Family Mass, Maunday Thursday and Easter Masses) the music group lead our singing at St George’s at 10.30am on a Sunday.
The music group is made up of musicians and singers and is always open to welcoming new members. If you are interested in joining as a singer or musician, please have a chat with one of the group after a 10.30am Mass when they have led the music..
Cantors, Organists & Musicians
Most Sundays at the 10.30 am Mass at St George’s our team of cantors lead us in the singing of the responsorial psalm and Gospel acclamation.
We also have singing during the 5.30 pm Vigil Mass at Our Lady’s church on Saturdays each week and at the 8.00 am Mass at St Boniface on special occasions such as Easter Sunday and Christmas Day.
We are always on the look out for musicians. In particular, if you play the piano or organ please do let the parish priest know or have a chat with our organist after Mass.
If you play any other musical instruments, we want to harness your talents. You could join the Music Group (see above) or offer to play alongside the organ for certain pieces of music, or special occasions. Again, please don’t hide your talent under a bushel. Speak to the parish priest, one of the organists, or a member of the Music Group.
At all of our Masses we have parishioners who take on the responsibility for reading. At weekday Masses, this is fairly informal and those with the ministry of Reader are asked to read ad hoc. At weekend Masses there is a formal rota for our ministers.
The ministry of Reader is a formal one and acquired after some basic training and a rite of commissioning.
If you would like to be considered for the ministry of Reader, or have been commissioned as a Reader in a previous parish, please speak to the parish priest.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
You will notice at our Masses that we rely upon a team of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to ensure we can provide communion under both kinds. Ministers also take holy communion to the sick and housebound within our parish.
Like the ministry of Reader, this a formal one and acquired after training and a rite of commissioning. Periodically, and after much thought and reflection, the parish priest will approach people and invite them to engage with this ministry.
If you have been an Extraordinary Minister in a previous parish, please do let the parish priest know. With a reference from your previous parish priest, we can then permit you to exercise the ministry within St George’s parish.
St George’s parish relies on a number of catechists to ensure that we can offer children’s liturgy, sacramental preparation for baptism, first reconciliation and holy communion, confirmation and adult baptism or reception, as well as bible study classes and more.
If you have a background in teaching, have previous catechetical experience, or have studied theology, or are interested in developing any of these skills and offering your time and talent to our vibrant parish, please do speak to the parish priest.
We are currently willing to fund the training of catechists through the diocesan catechists certificate, which is a distance learning course spread over two years. So even if you don’t have a background in catechetics but are willing to find out more, please do contact us.
Flower Arrangers
Each of our churches are often decorated with beautiful flower displays thanks to our flower arranging teams comprising of both men and women and people of all ages.
Arrangers work on a rota, sometimes in pairs. Occasionally members of the team offer training sessions for new comers and the less experienced to help them develop their artistic skills.
If you would like to find out more or join the team, please contact the parish office and we will pass your details on to the relevant person for the church you attend.
The parish is rightly proud of its commitment to the international aid agency CAFOD and rightly proud of its CAFOD group which, over the years, has raised in excess of £100,000 for various projects. This is in addition to our two annual CAFOD Sunday collections which take place in Lent and October.
Our CAFOD group aims to organise at least one activity a month from simply serving teas and coffees after the 10.30am Sunday Mass and selling marmalade and/or cakes, to organising fun activities for the whole family such as a coin trail, to running raffles, providing a fantastic and always well supported and appreciated lunch twice a year, to hosting talks from CAFOD and their partners.
If you would like to find out more or to join the group, please contact the parish office and we will pass your details on to the organisers.
Parish Pastoral Council
Our parish priest is supported in his leadership of St George’s by a Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) made up of representatives from the different churches and different demographics of our community.
Eight members join the parish priest and parish deacons in council once a quarter to reflect on the parish mission and be a channel of communication between clergy and laity.
Members are appointed by the parish priest after consultation among the wider parish and sit in council for a maximum of 3 years. The PPC elects its own officers (Chair, Vice and Secretary) annually, with the tradition that the Vice-Chair takes over from the outgoing Chair whenever possible.
Once a year, in the autumn, the PPC hosts an annual general meeting for the whole parish at which representatives from the Finance and Fabric committees also give presentations about their work.
Fabric Committee
Being a large and vibrant parish with four sites (we own a property in Norwich which we currently let in addition to our three churches) means a lot of time and effort and expense is undertaken to ensure the fabric of our buildings in maintained and that our resources are used in the best possible way to further our parish mission.
The Fabric Committee is made up of representatives of each of the three churches and joined by the parish priest and parish treasurer. Meeting four times a year, it considers all issues pertaining to the buildings and sites which the parish manages. Issues and items which require substantial spending are then submitted to the parish Finance Committee. Sometimes the Parish Pastoral Council asks the Fabric Committee to consider certain issues, usually to do with developing our properties in a particular way.
Members of the Fabric Committee also give a lot of their time and energy into sorting out smaller, DIY type projects to save us money.
If you could offer any help in this regard, whether by sitting on the Committee or simply offering your professional or even amateur DIY skills, please do speak to the parish priest or contact the parish office.
Finance Committee
The parish’s finances are guided by the Finance Committee whose work, in turn, is overseen by the Diocesan Finance Board and submitted to independent audit from time to time.
Day-to-day management of finances are organised by the parish office under the leadership of the parish priest and the parish treasurer.
The Committee consists of a small number of parishioners who have expertise in finance or a background in business and who provide invaluable guidance and advice to the parish priest.
We also have a dedicated Gift Aid Officer who ensures that all monies claimed by the parish through gift aid and gift aid small donation schemes are done so properly and confidentially.
If you have expertise which you think would benefit the Finance Committee and help it in its work, please do speak to the parish priest.
Lunch Club
The Lunch Club has a long tradition in St George’s parish, going back over 30 years, and provides lunches for members on the third Wednesday of every month in our parish hall.
The food is prepared, cooked and served by parishioners in the hall to other parishioners who have joined the club. It is specifically aimed at the more mature and often even those who aren’t able to get out so much. It provides not only a fantastic meal but also a great chance to socialise and make friends.
If you would like to join the Lunch Club - or just try it out for one Wednesday meal - or if you would like to join the team which set up, provide and serve the food, please either get in touch with the parish office or look out in the newsletter for the contact details of the club’s organisers.
St George’s parish is very lucky, and indeed proud, to host and promote the 17th Norwich (St George’s) Scout Troop.
Founded originally as a Catholic Scout troop by a former parish priest, Fr Anthony Roberts, the Troop is now an open one and welcomes beavers, cubs, scouts and explorers from all over the city and from all and none denominations.
Based at St George’s parish hall, currently Explorers meet each Tuesday, Cubs and Beavers on Wednesdays and Scouts on Thursdays.
Despite now being an ‘open’ troop, the 17th Norwich retain strong links with our parish beyond using our facilities at the St George’s site on Sprowston Road. At various times during the year, the Troop parade during 10.30am Sunday Mass especially on the Sunday which falls nearest to St George’s Day and Remembrance Sunday. Members of the sections support our parish activities and outreach, running stalls at our annual fete, supporting our ecumenical ‘Praise in the Park’ event in the summer, helping the SVP package and deliver Christmas hampers to the needy, and working closely with our CAFOD group.
For more information check out the Troop’s website at
Charismatic Prayer Group
Each Tuesday at St George’s, at 7.30pm, the parish’s Charismatic Prayer Group meets in the St Robert Southwell chapel to the right of the high altar.
The group provides support and fellowship to anyone seeking to live out their Christian faith in today's world and extends a warm welcome to Christians from other denominations as well as Catholics.
The prayer group meets in a relaxed atmosphere for joyful and thankful praise in song and prayers, including traditional prayers and spontaneous prayers; prayers of intercession and prayer ministry. Throughout, the aim is to be open to the action of God's Spirit in the meeting.
If you would like to join the Charismatic Prayer Group, or just try it out to see if this is something which would help you on your spiritual journey, do turn up on a Tuesday. If you would like more information, then contact the parish office and we will forward your details to the group’s organisers.
Daytime Prayer Group
Another prayer group, this time one which meets weekly during the daytime on a Monday. Started in 2006 as a small group of just six people, the Daytime Prayer Group has grown to over 25 members now and is a real mix of age and backgrounds.
Traditional in style, this prayer group listens to readings from the Bible and prays the psalms. Intercessory and meditative prayers are included as well as the rosary.
The group has weekly themes usually based around the Church’s year. Sometimes they dedicate their weekly prayer to an important issue currently facing the world. They also pray on behalf of others, taking on prayer requests. Many people who are unable to join them each week nevertheless ask the group to pray for things important to them.
The Daytime Prayer Group is always open to new members. They meet at the organiser’s home on Mondays in school term time at 10.40am.
For more information contact the parish office and we will pass your details on to the group’s organiser.
Lectio Divina
Lectio Divina is an ancient form of prayer based around the Scriptures. A gentle meditation upon a biblical text, Lectio Divina is somewhat akin to ‘chewing over’ the Word of God and letting it sink deep into one’s soul.
St George’s parish has a monthly Lectio Divina group which meets in the St Robert Southwell chapel, to the right of the high altar, on the third Monday of each month at 7.00pm. New members are always welcome. Just turn up. Bring a bible if you can.
Bible Study
Each year, from autumn through till the start of the summer, St George’s parish engages in bible study.
In previous years we have studied together an overview of the whole bible, using a resource called ‘The Bible Timeline.’ We have studied the Gospel of St Matthew and the Acts of the Apostles as well as the Book of Revelation.
These groups are open groups, although they do take some commitment of time and effort. Usually they meet once a week in term time with required reading and study during the week.
When numbers make it possible we have been able to offer both afternoon and evening sessions, although this is also subject to the availability of course leaders.
Keep an eye on our website and weekly newsletter if you are interesting in furthering your understanding of the bible.
Journey in Faith
Each year the parish runs a ‘Journey in Faith’ course aimed primarily at those interested in becoming Catholic but also more than suitable for anyone wanting to refresh or deepen their understanding of Catholic teachings.
The course runs from late autumn until Easter each year and meets once a week in term time on a weekday evening. Some people choose to follow the entire course (which is required if you are interested in being baptised as an adult or received into the Catholic Church if you have already been baptised). Others will dip in and out as subjects interest them.
Keep an eye on our website and weekly newsletter for more information where course dates and topics are advertised.
St Vincent de Paul
Our local parish SVP was set up in 1952 as a conference of the national SVP Society in the UK. Supporting each other by prayer, members provide help to those in need within the bounds of St George's parish, regardless of their faith.
Typically, the group befriend individuals or families who are lonely or in need by providing regular visits and practical support such as shopping and transport. They provide material assistance such as food, clothing and furniture. They will organise day trips out, holidays, and transport for social events to those they visit.
The SVP help people to get in touch with the appropriate agencies and support networks for their long-term needs. More recently, the Conference have worked closely with Norwich’s major homelessness charity, St Martin’s Housing Trust, and has built excellent links between the Trust and our parish.
Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in the meeting room at St George’s church. The parish holds two annual collections to support the Conference’s work in our area and our parishioners help members by volunteering to help at certain events hosted by the SVP and by providing material support such as toiletries, food, and clothing which can be passed on to those in need.
If you would like to find out more about the work of our local SVP or wish to join, please contact us and we will pass your details on to the group.
Coffee, Craft & Chat
This is a really friendly group of parishioners who get together twice a month to do some craftwork and have a chat.
The group gather in the meeting room at St George’s church on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 2.00pm until 4.00pm.
If you’d like more information please contact the parish office or simply turn up and join in.
St George’s parish is committed to the Safeguarding policies of the Catholic Church in England & Wales, to taking all reasonable steps to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from any form of abuse or maltreatment and to promoting a safe environment for them.
We will liaise closely and openly with statutory agencies to ensure that any concerns or allegations of abuse that are raised are promptly reported and properly responded to, victims supported and perpetrators held to account.
For more information on Safeguarding and policies, please click here.
Parish Reps
From time to time St George’s is required to have parish representatives either to attend meetings at something or other or to represent particular initiatives, charities, or other organisations relating to our mission.
For example, we currently have three Parish Reps who are responsible for the Missio Red Boxes that many parishioners use at home to collect loose change and donate annually to the Church’s worldwide missionary endeavour.
We have two Safeguarding Reps who ensure that the parish is compliant with safeguarding policies and organises DBS checks for those who need them.
We have parishioners who represent St George’s at ecumenical meetings and diocesan committees. We have Reps who keep us informed of what’s going on with other local organisations and help us build and sustain our links with the wider community.
If you would like to be considered for one of these ambassadorial roles for our parish, please do let the parish priest know. If you are involved in some local outreach which you feel would benefit from a connection with our parish then, again, please speak to the parish priest or to one of our PPC members (details in the porch area of each church).
St George’s is proud of the links and friendships it has built over the years with our brothers and sisters from the other denominations, especially the local churches in the Sprowston, Heartsease and Thorpe areas of the city.
Together with the Anglican churches of St Cuthbert’s and St Mary & St Margarets, the Wroxham Road Methodist Church and Gage Road Chapel, we form Sprowston Community Churches.
Throughout the year we join together for religious services, explore areas for social outreach and possible evangelisation, and try to deepen our friendships.
Typical ecumenical services include the United Advent Service on the first Sunday of Advent. This is hosted by a different Sprowston church each year. On the third Sunday of Advent we hold a joint Carol Service with St Cuthbert’s Church. In the summer, Sprowston Community Churches organise an afternoon of relaxed worship and fun at Sprowston recreation ground, known as Praise in the Park. We have gone carol singing together in pubs and outside local businesses, run introduction to Christianity courses from within a local pub and a community centre, organised monthly worship in a coffee shop, and led half an hour of prayer in a 12 hour prayer chain within the Anglican Cathedral.
If you have ideas for ecumenical activities, have contacts or friends from the other churches and projects you think we could work together on, or if you simply want to be involved in this important work of fostering Christian unity, then please contact us in the parish office.
Catholic Schools
Catholic Schools in Norwich
In Norwich you can find two state Catholic Primary Schools and one state High School, which are all part of the St John the Baptist Catholic Multi Academy Trust. There is also a private Catholic school. We have outlined some information on all of them, but for further details please refer to their websites.
St Augustine’s Catholic Primary School
St Augustine's Catholic Primary School is one of the longest established primary schools in the whole country, set in the heart of Old Costessey. A caring, family atmosphere pervades all aspects of school life, with a strong sense of internationalism both through the curriculum and links with other countries across the globe as well as links with the local families and community.
The children value their time at St Augustine's and are always welcomed back and an interest is taken in their future schooling and their life beyond.
The school has been extended and improved several times in its long history. Part of its unique atmosphere stems from the building itself, which gives a feel of tradition and continued development. The original schoolrooms coexist next to more modern extensions. A nursery was custom built in 2003 and the new entrance and offices were completed in 2009.
The school recently expanded its accommodation to provide added Hall space and further teaching areas. Building work was completed by the Summer Term 2013.
St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School
The school is located on a large, open site, on the outskirts of Norwich city centre and caters for boys and girls aged 4-11 years of age. It comprises fourteen classes (two per year group) and approximately 420 children on roll.
Set in pleasant grounds with a large field, a new amphitheatre, a spiritual garden and lots of opportunities for adventurous play, it also cooks its own dinners on site and has a brand new ICT suite and library.
Class teachers are responsible for the children’s welfare and delivery of the curriculum. Work is planned jointly in Year Teams of two or three teaching staff with close liaison, communication and support from teaching assistants.
During planning, Year Teams share the preparation of work, drawing on different experiences, knowledge and expertise to ensure learning is relevant and well matched to meet the needs of the children.
Work is assessed and moderated, progress is tracked and next steps in learning identified together. In this way, the school is able to utilise the strengths of a large staff team and enhance the quality of learning and teaching at St Francis.
Notre Dame Prep School
There is also a fee paying Catholic preparatory school in Norwich: Notre Dame Prep School. .This school caters for children from nursery to Year 6.
Notre Dame High School
Notre Dame High School came into existence in 1864 when the Sisters of Notre Dame arrived in Norwich to teach their first seven students. From this small beginning they have grown and now have approximately 1400 pupils aged 11 – 18, of whom 355 are studying in the 6th Form. There are approximately 200 students in each year group.
Students achieve standards well above national averages which is testament to their hard work and the dedication of the staff. However, Notre Dame is about so much more than just exam results; the support the community gives to both local and national causes in fundraising and volunteering is a true reflection of the Notre Dame ethos. The school vision is supported by strong and vital links to the Catholic Diocese of East Anglia which underpin the entire decision making process.
Notre Dame High School Norwich converted to become an academy on 1st March 2012. Accommodated in listed buildings on a city centre site, it offers students the opportunity to study GCSE subjects, together with vocational courses, and A Levels. It attracts students from a wide area of Norfolk and North Suffolk as well as the Norwich area. Many of the children come from financially deprived areas. 21% of students (300 pupils) travel over 20 miles each way, demonstrating their commitment to the school.
The aim is to enable all students to develop fully their potential irrespective of academic ability or social background. Notre Dame is recognised as being a School with a very strong Christian outlook.
