Mass Request

At every Mass celebrated in the parish, the priest has an ‘intention.’ In other words, he consciously prays for someone or something, especially during the Eucharistic prayer.

This intention might be that someone who has died will find the joy of heaven; or that someone who is ill might be granted healing or patience in their suffering. It might be what is called a private intention: in other words, the priest asks God to hear the prayer of the donor.

Each Sunday, one of the Masses is always offered for the people of the parish itself.

Usually, at the start of the Mass, the priest will announce his intention and invite the congregation to join him by holding the same intention in their prayer too.

If you would like a Mass to be offered in this way, please complete the request form on this page.

Please be aware, that if you want Mass to be celebrated on a particular day, we need as much notice as possible.

It is usual to make a Mass Offering to the parish (known as a ‘stipend’), although this is not required. If you would like to do so, the request form will redirect you to our online giving page once you have submitted it. Please donate under the ‘Mass Stipend’ category. If you do not wish to donate please just close this window. By donating you are supporting the ongoing mission of the parish.
